Tuesday, October 23, 2018

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on to a new Unit! (Population and Migration)

In studying Population and Migration, we will be taking the geographical and map reading skills we learned in the last few weeks, and applying them to real world situations, problems, and challenges.

Terms you will need to be familiar with include:
  • life expectancy
  • birth rate
  • death rate
  • Rate of Natural Increase (RNI)
  • infant mortality rate
  • immigrant
  • emigrant
  • Net Migration Rate
  • Total Fertility Rate (TFR)
  • push forces
  • pull forces
And, as always, there will be Key Issues to consider:
  • Where is the world population distributed?
  • Why is global population increasing?
  • Why does population growth vary among regions?
  • Why do some reasons face heath threats?

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