Thursday, August 31, 2017

A Message to Garcia

Good morning! Section 101, here is your in-class assignment for Friday, September 1.

Start by reading the short essay A Message to Garcia (the essay can be found here, and under "Links That Don't Stink"). Elbert Hubbard, who wrote A Message to Garcia over 100 years ago, ranted about people who don't work hard, and raved about people who do. In short, he ranted about excellence.

Next, do these follow up assignments in your blog.

  • Write your own essay in which you give your own interpretation of A Message to Garcia. Perhaps you would address some of the following themes: taking the initiative, incompetence, excellence, and inspiration. Write a good, thorough, descriptive essay, and proofread it well before you publish it.
  • Then, construct a five point action plan, describing five specific ways that you will ensure that you have a successful freshman year at John Carroll. For example, don't just say "I'm going to work hard;" describe what you are going to actually do to improve study habits and skills.
Post all this to your blog.  You might finish the assignment in class; if you don't, it's homework, due before midnight Saturday night. This assignment counts as your blog for Friday's class.

Also, this assignment is worth 100 points; 50 points for the essay, and 50 points for the action plan.

Thank you, be nice to your sub, and have a great Labor Day weekend!

(Please note: The same assignment was given to you Honors students on Thursday; your assignment is due by midnight Thursday night. And you have a fine weekend too!)

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