Tuesday, December 12, 2017

semester exam - essay question(s)

Section 101 will only answer Essay One.

The Honors section will answer Essay One and either Essay Two OR Essay Three.

Essay One: The population pyramids below represent two countries at different stages
of the demographic transition and economic development.

Explain the demographic characteristics of each country below with respect to the
demographic transition model.

Describe potential issues both countries could face in the future if their population
pyramids remain the same.

Discuss possible solutions to each country’s population concerns.

Essay Two: Globalization can be understood as the increasing connections of different
parts and peoples around the world. Globalization results in the expansion of international
cultural, economic, and political activities. As people, ideas, knowledge, and goods move
more easily around the globe, the experiences of people around the world become more similar.
Define Globalization.

Discuss the historical process of globalization and describe why the process has accelerated
in recent years.

Discuss the pros and cons of globalization.

Why do some people view the process as negative?

What do you think about globalization?

As you answer these questions, while giving your own opinion, try to remain factual,
keeping in mind what we have learned in Human Geography this semester.

Essay Three:  Consider our studies of immigration, push and pull forces, our analysis
of CIA World Factbook statistics, and the current state of our nation. Then, thoughtfully
answer these questions:

Should millions of undocumented immigrants with no criminal record be allowed to live
and work in the United States without fear of getting deported?

Should unauthorized immigrants in the United States be allowed to apply for citizenship
Or, do you believe that undocumented immigrants should be required to leave the
United States?

As you answer these questions, while giving your own opinion, try to remain factual,
keeping in mind what we have learned in Human Geography this semester.

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